UE Practice
Test inspired in a Wolfenstein the New Order concept, made in Unreal Engine.
Scene Model
I made a greybox of the scene with simple geometry and a reference model of a human to get the proportions and the feeling of the scene.
For the beams structures and doors I decided make them with low geometry models with chamfers and Face Weighted Normals. I divided the beams structures in different pieces to make a specific texture for them.
The props and assets were model in Max and Zbrush. Then I baked the Normal map, AO, Curvature and Object Space with Substance Painter and Xnormal.
Textures and PBR Materials
I used the Metalness method for the PBR materials.
I usually sculpt the textures in Zbrush and then I bake the maps (Normal, AO, Curvature…) in Xnormal o Substance Painter.
I used 20 Materials (Tiles, Decals…) with some color variations, 3 textures for the assets and 2 Mask for the vertex color blend.
For this Art-Test I sculpted the next textures:
– Concrete Blocks
– Asphalt A
– Asphalt B
– Diamond Floor
– MicroConcrete
– Plaster A
– Plaster B
– Roof
– Rust
Lighting and Render
UE4 for render, shaders and blend materials with vertexcolor.